Is It Safe To Leave A Tooth That Has Not Erupted In Your Mouth?

Is It Safe To Leave A Tooth That Has Not Erupted In Your Mouth?

Is It Safe To Leave A Tooth That Has Not Erupted In Your Mouth?

Our office often receives several questions that nag our clients, but one of our patients' most common questions is if it is safe to leave impacted (not erupted) teeth in their mouth. A tooth might fail to erupt either because it does not have enough room or it's erupting from the wrong position or direction. Genetics can also play a role, so, if this problem is common in your family, you are most likely to experience the same.

Is It Safe To Have An Impacted Tooth?

Your teeth are very vital to your survival. Having a tooth that has not erupted in your mouth means that you have a missing tooth, and each tooth has a specific role to play. In most cases, having a tooth that has not erupted in your mouth can cause severe damage to other teeth, especially those next to it. It is more common for a tooth that has not erupted to be at risk of infection and decay because they are much harder to clean. Without proper oral hygiene, you will get oral diseases and other health-related issues. A tooth that has not erupted is often painful and can prevent you from eating. Apart from being self-conscious when you smile, you can also experience speech problems such as lisping.

How Do I Deal With A Tooth That Has Not Erupted?

Now that you understand that having a tooth that has not erupted can cause severe oral issues and related health problems, you have to ensure that you deal with such a problem as soon as you notice its signs. You must maintain proper oral hygiene standards by flossing, brushing, and rinsing your mouth to get rid of plaque. If you have a partially erupting gum, proper cleaning will keep the soft tissue clean and safe from infections. Visit our offices if you notice any cavities developing under the gum line.


774 SW Rimrock Way,
Redmond, OR 97756

Phone: (541) 923-7633

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MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE - THU7:00 am - 5:00 pm

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