Long Term Oral Health Benefits Of Seeing Us Every Six Months

Long Term Oral Health Benefits Of Seeing Us Every Six Months

Long Term Oral Health Benefits Of Seeing Us Every Six Months

Coming in for regular dental visits is important for your oral health. From early detection of infections to ensuring high dental hygiene, having your mouth checked out by our dentists bi-annually comes with many benefits. Here are reasons why you should schedule dental visits after every six months.

Keep Your Teeth Clean

No matter how careful and thorough you are about brushing and flossing your teeth, you cannot rule out the presence of dangerous bacteria. Plaque in your mouth can still pile up and turn into hard tartar that could be difficult to get rid of by yourself. Keep in mind that tartar could stain your teeth, compromising the beauty of your smile. Furthermore, tartar contains bacteria that could cause infections and tooth decay. To get rid of this tartar, you should see our dentists who use special tools to eliminate it. By doing so, your teeth will be in better condition, keeping your smile as bright as ever.

Checking For Dental Issues

One of the most important benefits of seeing us every six months is preventative dental care. Our dentists will administer a comprehensive oral exam that will detect any gum disease or potential cavities before they advance. Tooth decay and gingivitis are conditions that can be prevented with thorough and frequent flossing and brushing. However, your visits will alert our dentists of areas of concern in regard to dental conditions. They will let us know areas you might have missed when taking care of your teeth.

Thanks to our advanced and comprehensive oral exams, we are able to identify serious oral health issues like oral cancer before they advance. This will go a long way in getting them treated before they cause significant damage. Therefore, coming in every six months is very beneficial. Visit our offices for more information on the importance of dental checks.


774 SW Rimrock Way,
Redmond, OR 97756

Phone: (541) 923-7633

Office Hours

MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE - THU7:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed

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